As domestic things go, cleaning is really very low on the list of enjoyable household jobs. I don't like cleaning, don't get me wrong I like having a clean house, but the actual act of cleaning I dread, I would much rather being doing something else like cooking.
With the exception of laundry, I really enjoy doing laundry especially in the summer! Hanging the washing out on the line, the smell of summer on the sheets, towels and clothes. With the current heat wave here, everything dries in record time. Managed to get 3 loads wash, dried and put away in a morning! I have to say I love white cotton sheets in the summer, they some how feel cooler at night.
My recent addition to the laundry routine, Borax! I add a handful to every load and I it definitely makes for cleaner, whiter washing. Also I am a sucker for packaging! I love the vintage feel, and the random cow girl on the front. I like the way it looks on the shelf in the laundry room. I'm in the process of freshening up the laundry with a fresh coat of pale blue paint. In a another few days it should be finished! I think it will make the laundry experience a little bit prettier and with a baby on the way and the plan to use cloth nappies, I'm sure I'll be spending more time in there!