It's that time of year again, Halloween is upon us. Pumpkin carving is great childhood memory of mine. We would carve one every year, all of us gathered around the table, scooping out the pumpkin guts. I still love the feel of the slimy, stringy pumpkin guts squishing between my fingers. This year I found a ghost pumpkin, with its lovely white skin, I was expecting it's innards to be white but they are in fact orange. I placed some newspaper down for "easy" clean up but as you can see the carnage spilled over the newspaper, as well as on the floor. Oh well, I had the right idea, I just can't help making a mess!

I used hubby's drill to make holes in my white pumpkin. It worked really well, I used 3 different sizes and drilled the holes fairly randomly. I want to get more pumpkins now to do more drilling! I have to say I love drilling, and I wish I had some girly tools of my own, I'm thinking hot pink! But I guess the orange is suitable for the job at hand, still girly tools would be nice.

The finished products, as you can see hubby went for the more traditional styling on his orange pumpkin. When we where kids after we carved the pumpkins, my dad would take a pumpkin outside, light it and do the "pumpkin dance" in front of the dining room window. The lights would all be out and then dad would move the pumpkin around in front of the window and we would all make ooooing sounds! oooooooooooooooooo

The winter blankets are out! The 2 middle ones are vintage wool that I recently found. So lovely for curling up on the couch with!

A lovely dinner for one by candle light, who says you can't have a little romance on your own! Homemade stew, a bread roll and a lovely glass of milk! A magazine and the tv, sometimes it just nice to have a quite evening on ones own.

And a sweet ending, the last of my chocolate vintage buttons and a cup of tea! ah bliss!
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