I baked some bread and I think I have really turn a corner on my bread making skills. My lovely husband gave me a bread book for christmas and it has some great tips. Today I made a half wholewheat/half white flour basic bread recipe but I think the real difference was made by putting a roasting tin half full of boiling water in the oven while the bread was baking and brushing the top of the bread with salt water(disolve a pinch on salt into 2 tbsp of water) before baking. It made for the most gorgeous bread, nice crusty crust and a lovely soft middle. I'm seriously thinking of baking my own bread once a week now. Plus it fills the house the best aroma!
Fastest Summer Ever
1 year ago
gorgeous! I want your house and your clever bread making skills! x
ah, i'm going send you a long e-mail right now no more procastinating!
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