Monday, December 21, 2009


Fireworks light a winters night sky.

Flowers along the path

An arc a float
Hot chocolate by the fire
Wolves fed    

Train rides taken

Rosie cheeks

Family fun
Baby polar bear snuggled.

A lovely evening had by all!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Christmas is coming ...

Santa Baby

Brown paper packages tied up with string.

With a vintage jewlery touch

Bright coloured paper tied up with string.

Tree hunting, the chosen one.

The chop!

The drag.

A Beautiful winters day.

The sideboard dec out.

My little helper asleep on the job.

A little christmas guy.

The tree elf.

The tree trimed.
Bring on christmas!!

Friday, November 6, 2009

and baby makes 3!

or 5 if you count our first 2 babies, I mean puppies. After 9 months and 11 days over due, our baby boy is here.
All the cliches of motherhood/parenthood so far are true. We can't imagine life without him now(and it's only been 2 weeks). We marvel at his perfection. We spend long moments just looking at him and asking each other did we really make him? Is this really real? A new little stranger plopped into our lives, and 2 full grown humans to care for him(seriously don't know how single mothers do it, I take my hat off to them), as we try and decipher his cries. And we debate "no that was I need to poop cry" over the " I'm hungry" and "I need a cuddle with my Dad".

We are "babymooning" right now, I've fallen in love with my husband all over again. Watching him care and change and love our little button has changed our relationship for the better. I'm sure this "babymooning" stage won't last forever but I'm cherishing it while it's here.

Our little bundle!

First day with mummy after a very long and difficult labour and delivery.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

tomatoes gone wild

"Only two things that money can't buy, That's true love and homegrown tomatoes"- Guy Clark

And I couldn't agree more! I love my tomato patch, it's wild and unruly,home to bugs and weeds as well as the tomato plants. I always seem to plant them to close together, that little 2" plant quickly grows to 3ft tall! They are to me the essences of summer. I love the smell of all the plants together, brings me right back to my childhood, popping warm tomatoes into my mouth as I wondered in the garden. I love growing tomatoes because the are so easy to grow here. Put them in the ground at the end of may, water, lots of sunshine, the odd conversation with your plants and Voila! A fabulous reward of summer filled with tomatoes! I like growing all the really weird kinds that you can't get the supermarket. Here's a little tour around my patch of what I've grown this year.

Yellow pear tomatoes, the size of a cherry, great for snacks and good in salads. Sweet taste, low acid.

Lemon boy tomatoes, the size of a large plum. Great in almost anything salsas, tomato sandwiches, tomato sauce, salads... I made yellow ketchup with these last year and it turned out great.

Roma tomatoes, the size of plum. I use these mostly in tomato sauce, I use them fresh in sauce now and in a few weeks when the glut of tomatoes arrive, I make a canned tomato sauce for the winter months.

Fresh picked tomatoes ready to be made into a salad. Pineapple tomatoes, this is an heirloom tomato and my first year growing it and haven't tried it yet. It's almost ripe, so will report back on it soon. It's the size of an apple.

A patio tomato, always good for early tomatoes and easy to grow in a pot.

The patio tomato full view. I also grew a ton of cherry tomatoes, sweet 100's but forgot to take a picture of them. They are a sweet small tomato great for eating as snacks, in salads and salsas.

Simple tomato salad with basil, olive oil and salt and pepper. The perfect companion to any summer dinner.

Friday, August 14, 2009

a day in the country

Last weekend we went for a country drive and spent the day in a small town. I grew up in a small town about the same size as this one. It was nice to visit small town with all it's charm and country life. It was a lovely day and drive. We went to a local farm, that has a deli/bakery and little veg shop. They make the best sandwiches and home baked pies. Yummy raspberry rhubarb pieThe farmmom and dad on the swingthe local churchcute country housesthe town of ashcroftmom and dad playing by the pond

country life...